Golf Outing: Back Page Advertisement

A full-page advertisement will be placed on the back page of the digital program booklet for the Annual Golf Outing and Reception. This ad will also be displayed during the presentation during the reception.


Elise Watkins,

*If you would like your advertisement designed by SCMBA, please purchase an advertisement fee item:

Full Page Ad:

  • Size: 8.5" x 11" (including bleed, typically 0.125" on each side, the actual design area should be slightly smaller, around 8.25" x 10.75" to account for margins)

Half Page Ad:

  • Horizontal Half Page: 8.5" x 5.5"

Quarter Page Ad:

  • Horizontal Quarter Page: 8.5" x 2.75"

Business Card Size Ad:

  • Standard Business Card: 3.5" x 2"

When designing these ads, remember to include a margin (usually around 0.25" to 0.5") within the specified size to avoid cutting off important content.

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